Welcome to my blog. I am writing this blog as a record for myself, for my children to come, and whomever may find themselves here, like you. To show where we have come from, what we started with, and what we will accomplish, as we create our sustainable community here.
I envision this blog as a way to connect with others on the same journey, or those dreaming of it, preparing for their opportunity, like I have been for so many years. I hope to learn from others and share what I learn in order to support all those I can to create the same for themselves.
I want to start this blog with a commitment to myself, to write from the heart, and not judge what I write or what comes out. This is my heart blog, where I allow myself to truly express what is in my heart without fear, as part of my process of finding out what it means to live without the mind and thoughts directing me, to live as the physical being that I am.
One of the most supportive ways I've found to ground myself as a physical being is by working in and with the physical reality. Nature, the plants, the animals, the substance of the earth, and my own physical body, that is and has always been unconditionally supporting me to be here in this physical reality.
My goal here is to create a new way to live that is in harmony with the physical reality, in a way that can be replicated. We humans have not been living in a way where we are fitting ourselves in but rather we have been living like a virus on the earth, and we don't have too much more time to correct this before we are going to make things very unliveable for ourselves, sadly. I have been working toward this kind of an opportunity my whole life, and now it is here, and I am going to Make It Count. Not in the sense of being a workoholic about it - that is the way of the system that I have lived all my life that sucks you dry until you die - but in the sense of creating something sustainable, and a life Worth Living.
Throughout my life I was given clues, glimpses, into what might be possible, and I have found others along the way walking a similar path showing that it can be done. That there is a better way than what so many of us are born into, dependents on a government system that isn't working to our best interest, and keeps us enslaved to money. My aim is to live a life where that doesn't matter. Where I am not detached from my ability to survive. Where I can support those around me, and anyone anywhere in the world. Where I can labor for the benefit of my life and the earth as a Whole. And ultimately to see an end to the slave labor design of the system that causes so many to suffer and live without dignity.
It breaks my heart to see the suffering taking place in the world for no reason than for a few to profit while the rest just accept the way things are. It is time to be 'in' the system but not 'of' it, as we find and create our own way out of this mess we collectively find ourselves in. Time to let go of the past and move ourselves into a new way of life, by taking whatever opportunities we have and supporting those working toward the same goal.
Welcome to my Journey to Life. Our Journey. Together We Can Make It.
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