Today's Progress: Beautification and More

Yesterday we bought some more plants in town, this time we got plants to support with general ambiance and beautification rather than just strictly food producing plants and herbs. We added a couple large flowers in hanging pots to the area behind the kitchen to join the three hanging pots of alpine strawberries we have back there already. We are envisioning more plants in this area to come.

We added a couple palms to the front gardens which will eventually get as high as ten feet or more. This will provide some shade in these beds that get a lot of direct sun so we can plant some more sensitive plants under their protection. Plus they look awesome. They add a nice tropical flair. Since this is a tropical environment it may as well look like it. 😂 There's still some plants in pots hanging out in this area yet to be planted in a final location, including lavender, thyme, celery, parsley, basil, a eucalyptus tree, and a few others.

Today I discovered that several plants that I thought might be passion fruit are actually papayas! It was becoming obvious that they were taking the form of trees not vines and they looked rather like little papaya trees, so I used a plant identifying app and sure enough it was the case. They had been growing in a partly shady area, so I moved them into the banana circle where there is full sun. I have read that they don't like to be moved so we'll see how they do after being transplanted. Since we had some volunteer watermelons spring up from some kitchen scraps I'd tossed in the banana circle I've been chucking in more plants with seeds to see what else might pop up. 

Gian assisted me with digging out a trench to redirect water flow, eventually when it starts raining again in some months, since the way it was going was creating this weird useless hump of dirt. So we will see how it goes at the next heavy rain we get and if it will need to be tweaked for the water to flow in the new direction.

There is still some work to be done to get our veggie gardens ready for planting and to get into production, but in the meantime we do have a few things that are starting to bear fruit!

There are some potted tomatoes, not sure what variety, that are just starting to take some color, and some beets in the pot behind it that are starting to fill out.

Also a canteloupe doing surprisingly well sharing a large pot with a gardenia.

And there is our visitor cabin that is in progress! Today the floor was put in. It is coming together fast. We are looking forward to being able to have visitors come soon!

That is all for now, until the next update!

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